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Effective January 1, 2017, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will cover medically necessary Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy services for Maryland Medical Assistance enrolled members under the age 21.
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Our In-Home and Community Based I/DD Waiver Services
At Renoxx Caregivers Inc. (RCI), we currently offer the following DDS services, through the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver to both children and adults:
- Behavioral Support Services
- Companion Services
- Day Habilitation Services
- Employment Readiness Services
- Family Training Services
- Individualized Day Supports (IDS) Services
- In-Home Supports (IHS) Services
- Respite Services
- Supported Employment Services
Our DDS Services Description
Behavioral Supports Services (BSS)
Behavioral Supports Services assist persons who exhibit challenging behaviors that adversely impact their ability to live safely in the community and/or who need supports that addresses the challenges. They help to understand a person’s challenging behavior, its function and develop a strategy with the primary aim of enhancing the person’s independence and inclusion in their community.
Renoxx Caregivers Inc. provides Behavioral Supports Services to both children and adults. Services will be provided in the person’s home, a family member’s home, in the community, or any other venue of the person’s choice.
The Behavioral Supports Services offered by Renoxx Caregivers Inc. include:
- Diagnostic Assessment Report (DAR)
- Behavior Support [Non-Professional] (Behavior) –
Companion Services (CS)
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers Companion Services to provide non-medical assistance and supervision to support a person’s goals, desires, and needs. Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. in collaboration with the person and the person’s team members of their choice develop a support plan, which includes a flexible list of proposed leisure, social, community inclusion, and recreational activities at home and/or in the community, based upon the person’s interests.
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. ensures that highly qualified and well-trained staff support the person by serving as both helpmates and/or workmates to ensure persons’ safety and wellbeing, promotion of person’s independence, participation in community integration and/or retirement activities, the accomplishment of service goals and participation in any other activities of their choice.
Day Habilitation Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. provides Day Habilitation services aimed at developing activities and skills acquisition to support or further integrate community opportunities outside of a person’s home and assist the person in developing a full life within the community.
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. assists those receiving services to develop meaningful adult activities and skills acquisition to:
- support or further community integration, inclusion, and exploration;
- improve communication skills;
- improve or maintain physical, occupational, and/or speech and language functional skills;
- foster independence, self-determination and self-advocacy, and autonomy;
- support people to build and maintain relationships;
- facilitate the exploration of employment and/or integrated retirement opportunities;
- help a person achieve valued social roles; and
- to foster and encourage people on their pathway to community integration, employment, and the development of a full life in the person’s community.
Renoxx Caregivers Day Habilitation Services cover:
- Day Habilitation (1:1)
- Day Habilitation (Small Group) [1:3]
- Day Habilitation (Regular) [1:4]
- Day Habilitation Meals – 1:1 Meal including Preparation or Package
- Day Habilitation Meals – 1:1 Meal delivered
- Day Habilitation Meals – 1:4 Meal including Preparation or Package
- Day Habilitation Meals – 1:4 Meal delivered
Employment Readiness Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. provides Employment Readiness services that are designed to assist persons to learn basic work-related skills necessary to acquire and retain competitive employment based on the person’s vocational preferences and abilities. The services also provide learning and work experiences (including volunteer work), where persons are supported to develop general, non-job and task-specific strengths and new employment-related skills that contribute to employability and are consistent with the person’s goals. Services are expected to specifically involve strategies that enhance a person’s employability in integrated community settings. Competitive employment or supported employments are considered successful outcomes of Employment Readiness services.
The Employment Readiness services offered at Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. include, but not limited to the following:
- Training in or teaching social and soft skills concepts
- Developing work skills which include, at a minimum, teaching the person the following:
- Employment exploration and/ or employment preparation in the community; and coordinating community-based, integrated, volunteer experiences.
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. can provide Employment Readiness services
- Employment Readiness (1:1)
- Employment Readiness (1:2)
- Employment Readiness (1:3)
- Employment Readiness (1:4)
Family Training Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers Family Training services that consist of coaching, training, counseling, consultation, and other professional supports services provided to families or uncompensated primary caregivers who provide support, training, companionship or supervision for persons enrolled in the I/DD Wavier. Uncompensated caregivers include any family member, neighbor, friend, companion, or co-worker who regularly provides uncompensated care to persons enrolled in the I/DD Wavier.
The Family Training services focus on how to improve the primary caregiver’s support for the person or gain a better understanding of the services and may include the following activities:
- Instruction about treatment regimens and other services included in the person’s ISP and Plan of Care;
- Instruction on the use of equipment specified in the person’s ISP and Plan of Care;
- Counseling is aimed at assisting the unpaid caregiver in meeting the needs of the person; and
- Follow-up training is necessary to safely maintain the person at home.
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc Family Training Services cover:
- Family Training Assessment
- Family Training Peer Supports (1:1)
- Family Training Peer Supports (Small Group) [1:4]
- Family Training Professional (Small Group) [1:4]
- Family Training [Family] (Professional) [1:1]
- Family Training [Non-Family] (Professional) [1:1]
Individualized Day Supports (IDS) Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers IDS services that provide crucial habilitative supports in the community that ensure that the person receiving IDS services attains, keeps or improves skills and functioning levels for daily living; and the person’s community integration is increased. These services and activities operate totally in the community and are focused on opportunities to increase a person’s abilities. The services are aimed at ensuring that particular skills necessary for independence and community involvement outside the home are developed and maintained in ways that enhance community integration outcomes. All IDS activities must be structured learning-based events.
Renoxx Caregivers, Inc. Individualized Day Supports services cover:
- Individualized Day Supports [IDS] (1:1)
- Individualized Day Supports [IDS] (1:2)
- IDS Meal including Preparation or Packaged (1:1)
- IDS Meal including Preparation or Packaged (1:2)
In-Home Supports (IHS) Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers In-Home Supports (IHS) services that consist of blended services that provide habilitative supports, a combination of hands-on care or personal care, skill development, assistance with activities of daily living and other support services to the person in their home. These services assist the person to reside successfully in their home as their primary place of residence or when residing in a family’s home, a friend’s home or transitional housing. Supports provided are aimed at teaching the person to increase his or her skills and self-reliance. Though the primary service site is the person’s home, service may be provided outside of the home in the community, based on the person’s preferences and needs. Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. also offers High Acuity In-Home Supports services to medically fragile recipients of regular in-home supports services.
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc In-Home Support services cover:
- In-Home Supports (Regular)
- In-Home Supports (High Intensity)
Respite Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers Respite services that aim to provide short-term or time-limited, temporary relief to primary caregivers caring for persons enrolled in the Waiver, to enable them participate in scheduled or unscheduled time away from the person. Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. provides respite services only in the person’s home and the services prevent gaps in the implementation of the person’s treatment plan and ensures that they continue to receive uninterrupted services and have access to community activities as described in their ISP/Plan of Care.
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. Respite services cover:
- Respite Hourly
Supported Employment Services
Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers Supported Employment services that facilitate competitive work in community-integrated work settings for persons who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need ongoing support services in order to satisfactorily perform their job. Renoxx Caregiver’s Inc. offers Job Training and Supports (Professional) and Long-Term Follow-Along (Professional) services in group settings. Job training and supports activities are those activities designed to assist and support the person after employment has been obtained. The expectation is that the person’s reliance upon job training and support activities will decline as a result of job skills acquisition and support from supervisors and co-workers in the existing work setting to maintain employment.
- Supported Employment – Job Training & Support (Small Group)
- Supported Employment – Long-Term Follow-Along (Small Group